An event that happens two or three times per Century and which will
occur in May: “Moon Mondays”
is an exceptional phenomena, so exceptional, that it can only occur, two or
three times every hundred years.
many people know the relationship between the name of the days of the week and
the stars that generated them, distinguished them as the most important ones
for the ancient man. So, Monday was named after the natural satellite of the
earth, that is to say, in English we say “Monday” and the satellite is “Moon”;
in Quechua, Monday is “Killachaw” and moon is “Killa”; in Latin is “dies lunae”
which literally means “day of the moon”.
Old Irish adopted the names from Latin, but introduced separate terms of
uncertain origin for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Tuesday receives its name from the planet Mars (Martis), Wednesday from Mercury
(Mercurii); Thursday from Jupiter (Lovis); Friday from Venus (Veneris);
Saturday from Saturn (Saturni) and Sunday from the sun (Solis).
this etymology, every time that Mondays happen coincidentally in a month with
the four lunar phases (first quarter, full moon, last quarter, also known as
third quarter and new moon), Astronomers call this event as Moon Mondays. It is
precisely what will happen during this month of May (2015), an event so rare,
that may occur two or three times in a Century!
will be the time table of the four “Moon Mondays” in May:
the 4th the moon entering its Full phase. 12:42 a.m. Arg/Chi 9.42
p.m. Mex
the 11th Monday the 4th the moon entering its First Quarter
phase 7.36 a.m. Arg/Chi 4:36 a.m. Mex
the 18th the moon entering its New phase 1:13 a.m. Arg/Chile 10:13
p.m. Mex
the 25th the moon entering its Last Quarter phase 2:19 a.m. Arg/Chi
11:19 a.m. Mex