Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Elections in Mexico, 2018

Election time is coming, all parties are starting the share of money, the “crickets” start their fight to get a nomination and they end up “jumping” to another party, even though they are accepting the nomination they rejected in their last party; everything is chaos, the attack from one to the other, the disqualifications increase in quantity and quality, no one is clean, but everyone attacks the opponent.
Scandals flow out as springs of water and social media are overflown with videos and memes, it is an all against war.
People are “politicized” for a couple weeks, each one selects its own winner; for one attack, 10 responses, for the disqualification of a candidate, aggressions, the name-calling and accusations “rain”; in the absence of arguments from one side, grievances, vilified attacks and even humiliation for the one who had the guts to give a different opinion.
While people fight and is aggressive, politicians feast on the patent divisionism of the people and for the distribution of the financing of money to parties (thousands of millions of pesos), money that comes from taxes of the Mexican people; the financing of money to parties is increasingly exaggerated every year.
Politicians count on Mexican divisionism and the bet on it to continue making it bigger, creating confrontation; the most effective weapon they have to control masses; the premise "divide and conquer" in Mexico becomes more a reality in Mexico; for the political herd of pigs in Mexico, the country is not important, Mexicans are not important, what matters to them is continuing having the control of Mexico and destiny in of their lives and their families.
We Mexicans have not understood that the union creates the strength (we have proven several times, before natural disasters, that together we are the greatest, that united we are one voice, a single effort and one Nation), however, at the moment of arriving to election time, when decision taking for the country is important, when choosing our “authorities”, of the near future and the future we will leave to our children, then, there, we simply divide ourselves. We have not understood that for the government and the political parties it is convenient a divided country; they are interested in keeping us divided, fighting al against all, because they know once the storm is gone, we (the citizens) go back to complaining in social media, some citizens take the streets and with the time, we forget everything, until the next election.
It is time that Mexicans raise our voices, it does not matter what candidate or political party we supported, it does not matter who wins the election, what is important and should matter to us is the post-electoral process. There is where we are going to make the change, there is where Mexico is going to grow, and there is where we Mexicans are going to recover the power¡
How can we do it? With work, pressing our authorities (it does not matter if we voted for them or not, they “represent” us anyway); going to their local offices (All Representatives and Senators have an office in their District which is paid with our taxes) and giving them CONCRETE PROPOSALS, so that PROPOTIONAL REPRESENTATION and the FUERO (protection that Congress Members, the President, Secretaries of State, Governors and in general politicians in office have so they cannot be persecuted for any criminal act) can disappear; to improve the quality of life in our cities, to make them build roads and streets properly instead of doing them with poor quality so they can continue robbing money; to develop the proper infrastructure and the investment in tourism, that small businesses (called mipymes in Mexico) get all the support they need so that they can generate jobs not only taxes; for people to get trained so they can get better jobs and better income; to make the government invest in clinic and hospitals (in order to have the equipment, the materials, the chemical reactives and medicine in all of them), so that health services can improve. To press our authorities in Congress to create an INDEPENDET ORGANIZATION of CITIZENS which can be in charge of regulating the budget for the Electoral National Institute (INE), to eliminate the financing of political parties and that could regulate the salaries of all public servants, as well as their bonuses and their benefits, without the interference of the Congress (nowadays Congress is in charge of the country’s budget, including their salaries, vacations, medical services and bonuses), because a poor country does not deserve rich politicians; to punish corruption as fast as it is proven and corrupted politicians can go to jail.
This represents a titanic job, it is not going to be solved in social media, nor with street protests and neither will be solved by showing up to the offices of politicians begging for things as if it were a HANDOUT, as it happens today: We are not going to be able to do it in 6 years either, it will take longer (it has taken them 89 years to bring us to today’s situation, so it will take us time to make them work for us); this will be done, one step at the time, district by district, state by state.
The government and the political parties know that if they “giveaway” stuff and pretend that they care, people in Mexico calm down; the promises of the political herd of pigs are always, the characters and words change, but not the speech. Politicians are counting on the divisionism and the indifference of the citizens. It is time to change things, each one of us from its own trench, united as one, it does not matter who we voted for, and if our candidate won or not. Great democracies have that in common, they cry their losses (loser candidates) on Election Day and then, as one person, they work in the benefit of society and they supervise their representatives so they fulfil their jobs.
It is a titanic job because it is not only focused on Representatives and Senators we have to have presence at the Municipalities and State Governments. No more thieves like Humberto Moreira (Coahuila), Javier Duarte (Veracruz), Juan Sabines (Chiapas), Manuel Velasco (Chiapas), Roberto Borge (Quinta Roo), Cesar Duarte (Chihuahua), Jorge Herrera Calda (Durango), Guillermo Padres (Sonora), Egidio Torre (Tamaulipas), Rodrigo Medina (Nuevo Leon), Andres Granier (Tabasco) and thieves that are with them.
It is time for Mexicans to work for Mexico, no matter what our ideologies are, no matter our political differences, our economical and social differences; it is time to unite aas a whole and show these herd of pigs from the Mexican politics, who live from our taxes, the solidarity we Mexicans have.
No more crooks in the Government!!!

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